who is iks

IKS stands for Indigenous Knowledge Systems. We are passionate about indigenous cultural development that is internationally collaborative to promote solidarity.

Partners & Collaborators

  • PriceWaterhouseCoopers
  • The National Treasury
  • The Standard Bank Joy of jazz Festival
  • Poppy’s restaurant
  • Catz Pyjamas
  • Transnet Foundation
  • TCH Bonisa Event Services
  • House of Ntsako Nuff Said Kollektive
  • Department of Arts and Culture
  • Sibikwa Arts Centre
  • City of Johannesburg
  • Ochre Media
  • Ahoi Kultur (based in Germany)
  • Proman (based in Luxembourg)
  • Moshito
  • The State Theatre

Organisation History and Experience

Andre le Roux founded IKS Cultural Consulting in 2004 after his departure at the National Arts Council of South Africa. He then worked on arts and heritage projects for the City of Johannesburg and the Transnet Foundation. This involved reawakening heritage through the arts, a fresh look at the cultural calabash in Taung, in collaboration with the Mmabana Arts Culture & Sports Foundation to produce a festival.

The value created for the Transnet Foundation was from a Corporate Social Investment point of view. The Rorkesdrift heritage training project revived the Rorkesdrift Center with Create SA and Fugitives Drift Lodge, part of the Anglo Boer War by Isandlwana, Mzinyathi river. Most of the tour guides were caucasian so Andre le Roux trained them from an Afro-centric point of view from 2004 till 2006.

IKS Cultural Consulting assisted in building the South African Music Expo and registered it.


The company was part of the formation of Music Managers Forum South Africa assisting in registration, strategic plans and governance.

On behalf of the Department of Arts and Culture in South Africa, IKS administered the formation of the Association for Independent Record Companies (AIRCO) as the only association of independent record companies with predominantly black membership. Today, AIRCO has 30%-40% Needletime royalties share in the South African market. This project involved conducting a benchmarking exercise that looked at the American Independent Music organisation as the best practice model then the international association of independence in the UK. They formed Merlin, the biggest collection society for independent record companies fighting multinational record companies.

AIRCO took a year to pay IKS Cultural Consulting for the work done. Andre le Roux secured employment at the Southern African Music Rights Organisation. The company became dormant until Kgomotso le Roux took over as the managing member in 2010 where she added an artist promotion component to IKS that boosted their audience base whilst assisting music venues and festivals to increase their brand value. The other income stream was administering research projects. Relationships were built with the following clients.

Bantwanas - Stream 16 JUNE

Kgomotso le Roux stepped down as managing member in 2016 although she continued maintaining the administration of the company as the public officer. She resigned in March 2020 and Andre le Roux took over the role of managing director.


Business development

Since he started working on IKS full time in April 2020, IKS has secured contracts with Concerts SA (duration 2 years), the South African Cultural Observatory, the late Hugh Masekela Estate, the Rabobank Amersfoort Jazz Festival and Foundation JazzNL.

For Concerts SA IKS achieved a UKZN partnership with the Albert Luthuli Museum for online music streaming recording infrastructure during Covid 19.

IKS managed a report that surveyed the entire music value chain on the impact of the coronavirus on behalf of the South African Cultural Observatory.

IKS was approached by the Hugh Masekela Foundation on assisting in the rounding up of the late legend’s estate with leadership from Rob Hooijer, SAMRO’s ex CEO.

IKS Cultural Consulting compiled a survey on behalf of the Rabobank Amersfoort Jazz Festival and Foundation JazzNL. This led to IKS organising their World Jazz Online Conference that was made up of 144 participants from 37 different countries:

Number of Countries that Participated in the
Amersfoot World Jazz Conference

  1. South Africa
  2. Spain
  3. Japan
  4. Swaziland
  5. United States of America
  6. Canada
  7. The Netherlands
  8. Mozambique
  9. Sudan
  10. Poland
  11. Zambia
  12. Turkey
  13. Australia
  14. Burkina Faso
  15. United Kingdom
  16. France
  17. Germany
  18. Bulgaria
  19. Belgium
  20. Uganda
  21. India
  22. Mexico
  23. Ukraine
  24. Argentina
  25. Brazil
  26. Luxembourg
  27. Israel
  28. Austria
  29. Czech Republic
  30. Italy
  31. Thailand
  32. Russia
  33. Kenya
  34. Türkmenistan
  35. Romania
  36. Senegal
  37. Benin

Organisation Objectives

IKS assists organisations looking for objective strategic advice in the Creative Sector for real-time insights to develop a formidable business ecosystem. We design project plans and manage projects with the client’s best interests as a priority, helping entities in the creative sector to find solutions for existing business challenges, as well as identifying new opportunities and ways of being within the context of an expansive and dynamic sector. We have positioned ourselves as a capacity builder, stimulating and energising live music circuits through partnerships. Concurrently, we drive targeted, relevant research initiatives, which underpin:
  • sharing research findings as a public resource;
  • framing and using team development in our own programme;
  • engaging in arts-related policy issues; and
  • employing research findings as a public advocacy tool. We have achieved brand recognition among diverse stakeholders including local and regional cultural development agencies and arts organisations, educators and learners. Our programme decision-making is evidence-based and informed by regular monitoring and research, employing reference groups, reviews, surveys and other tools and collaborating with university researchers. This feedback helps us modify and update our offerings, ensuring that we remain the leading driver in the field, shaping and growing live music circuits where none existed before.
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